Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Highs and Lows of Potty Training

Any advice for the potty training mom? Hunter's been doing great with the potty training, well, that is during about half the day. For the last several days he doesn't do so well in the middle of the day having several "accidents". But for the other half of the day he does fantastic. He goes in the potty, we do our potty dance and we clap after we watch it get flushed down the real potty. How do you teach them to tell you they have to go potty? Is there a secret I'm missing?


  1. Are you kidding me! He is so young. Just be happy he's showing this much interest. The part where they tell you they need to go is sometimes slow to come. Cole however tells me all the time he has to go but it's not for real. He just likes sitting on the pot!

  2. I agree with Melissa - he's kinda young so it's cool he's atleast trying. Tyson does the same thing Cole does - says he has to go and then plays once he gets in there :)

  3. i'm adding sign language into our potty time so maybe he can learn to tell me that way. i think this is going to be a long process just like with you guys. thanks for the advice!
